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 Dr. Mike McKinney and Dr. Fred Berry
by Adelle McKinney
It is amazing how many of our friends are left
handed. For a while I thought that 40% of our church was left
Left handed people are movers and shakers. Just look at the
presidents since Gerald Ford. Four out of seven are left
handed including President Obama. SO HERES' THE LONG LIST OF LEFTIES:
NEW ON THE LIST Bieber, Jason Lusk, Jacob (American Idol)
CHRISTIANS Woods, Avis Cabantug, Himala Bass, Billy Benjamin Dang, Kristine Guzman, Arthur Fenholt, Jeff Andrade, Darlene Pleasant, Helen Eastridge, Dave Parra, Angel Pleasant, Helen Robertson, Pat FRIENDS and ACQUAINTANCES Sally Pearlstein Julianne Vinson and son Jesse Stanley Mumford Katherine Pedicich Ron Smedley
COUPLES (Ex-couple) Tom Cruise and Nichole Kidman (Ex-couple) Bruce Willis and Demi Moore Mike McKinney and Adelle McKinney, World for Jesus Sandia and Curtis Wright Richard and Roberta "Bobbi" Deckard, CEAI, Colorado
PROFESSORS McKinney, Mike McKinney, Adelle Parker, Garry Wills, Jason Harrington, Francesca Larimore, Larry Crawford, Chris Gunderson, Jerry Sniffen, Phil Rather, Faith Postell, Robert Deckard, Richard LaPointe, Walter FAMOUS AND INFAMOUS Aldrin, Buzz, Anderson, Hans Christian Beethoven, Billy the Kid Bruce, Tammy - Radio Commentator Caesar, Julius Charlemagne, Corbett, Gentleman Jim Curie, Marie Da Vinci, Leonardo De La Hoya, Oscar Dillinger, John Geller, Uri Joan of Arc Keller, Helen Kennedy, Caroline Kennedy, John Jr. Koppel, Ted Letterman, Dave Leno, Jay Louganis, Greg Ludden, Allen Lusk, Jacob (American Idol 11) Martindale, Wink McEnroe, John McCartney, Paul North, Oliver Pele Picasso, Pablo Queen Victoria
Reagan, Ron Jr. Reinhardt, Haley (American Idol 11) Sawyer, Forrest, Schwartzkopf, Norman Gen. Scully, Vin Simmons, Richard Spitz, Mark Stone, Curtis (Chef) Twain, Mark Wells, H.G. Winfrey, Oprah
PRESIDENTS Bush, George Sr. Ford, Gerald Clinton, William J. Garfield, James Hoover, Herbert Obama, Barrack Truman, Harry Reagan, Ronald
POLITICIANS McCain, John (Senator) North, Oliver Ginsberg, Ruth Bader Alexander the Great Napoleon Dole, Bob (Senator) Gore, Al (Vice President) Perot, Ross Rockefeller, Nelson (Governor) Inouye, Daniel Kennedy, Robert Sr. Keyes, Alan North, Oliver Col. Powell, Colin Castro, Fidel Julius Caesar Churchill, Winston McNamara, Robert Franklin, Benjamin Netanyahu, Benjamin Gandhi Castro, Fidel Bismark,
Otto Von
ROYALTY Queen Victoria King George II Queen Mary Elizabeth of England Queen Elizabeth Prince Charles Prince William King George VI
BUSINESS Forbes, Steve Gates, Bill Ford, Henry
LAWYERS Clarence Darrow, lawyer F. Lee Bailey, lawyer Melvin Belli, lawyer Marcia Clark, lawyer COMEDIANS Leno, Jay Marx, Harpo Rickles, Don Seinfield, Jerry Smothers, Dick Letterman, Dave Funt, Allan ARTISTS Leonardo Di Vinci Michelangelo Pablo Picasso Rafael ATHLETES James Gentleman Corbett Hagler, Marvin DelaHoya, Oscar Bird, Larry Connors, Jimmy McEnroe, John Navratilova, Martina Odom, Lamar (Lakers/Khloe's husband) Pele Jenner, Bruce Louganis, Greg Spitz, Mark Hamill, Dorothy Basilio, Carmen Seles, Monica
Garland, Judy (Musicals) Allyson, June Roberts, Julia (Actress) Monroe, Marilyn (Actress) Garbo, Greta (Actress) Caeser, Sid Chaplin, Charlie Fields, W.C. Landon, Michael Adams, Don Albert, Eddie Aykroyd, Dan Allyson, June Astaire, Fred Allen, Tim Blake, Robert Broderick, Matthew Burnett, Carol Burns, George Carrey, Jim Cruise, Tom DeHavilland, Olivia DeNiro, Robert Drescher, Fran Dreyfuss, Richard Fields, WC Garbo, Greta Goldberg, Whoopi Goldwyn, Tom Grable, Betty Grant, Cary Graves, Peter Harrison, Rex Hawn, Goldie Kaye, Danny Keaton, Diane Kilmer, Val Kudrow, Lisa Leachman, Cloris Letterman, David Linden, Hal Lloyd, Harold MacLaine, Shirley Mandel, Howie Marx, Harpo Monroe, Marilyn Moore, Demi Novak, Kim Quaid, Dennis Perkins, Anthony Perry, Luke Reaves, Keanu Redford, Robert Rickles, Don Savalas, Telly Seinfield, Jerry Slater, Christian Smothers, Dick Thicke, Alan Thompson, Emma Van Dyke, Dick Willis, Bruce Winfrey, Oprah Fonda, Peter Stallone, Sylvester Van Dyke, Dick Slater, Christian Parker, Sarah Jessica McQueen, Steve Hudson, Rock DeNiro, Robert Cruise, Tom Kidman, Nicole Grable, Betty Boxleiter, Bruce Grant, Cary Conners, Chuck Duchovny, David Lane, Diane Albert, Eddie Barkin, Ellen Saint, Eva Marie Kennedy, George Rogers, Ginger Keel, Howard Caan, James Wood, James Alexander, Jason Woodward, Joanne Rourke, Mickey Freeman, Morgan DeHavilland, Olivia Glasser, Paul Michael Graves, Peter Ustinov, Peter Harrison, Rex Torn, Rip Preston, Robert Steiger, Rod O'Neal, Ryan Zimbalist, Stephanie Jones, Shirley Kaplan, Gabe Buzzi, Ruth Conreid, Hans Cromwell, James Fine, Larry Heatherton, Joey Mason, Marsha Lawford, Peter Linden, Hal Gobel, Georgie Engles, Marty Whitmore, James Seburg, Jean Garr, Terry Thomas, Terry Williams, Treat Hedren, Tippi Caradine, Keith Novak, Kim Bassinger, Kim McNichol, Kristy Fishburne, Laurence Kudrow, Lisa Hamill, Mark Matlin, Marlee
MUSIC Fleming, Renee (Opera) Beethoven Campbell, Glen Colins, Phil Carr, Vicki Cole, Natalie Dale, Dick Everly,
Don and Phil Garner, Errol Hendrix, Jimi McCartney, Paul Dion, Celine Starr, Ringo Porter, Cole Simon, Paul Hayes, Isaac Crawford, Michael Mozart Rawls, Lou Tim, Tiny Campbell, Glen Crystal Gayle Melissa Manchester Chuck Mangione Valee, Rudy GREAT MOMENTS IN OUR TIMES...
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